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Computer Keyboard Clean |
Keeping your Computer Keyboard Clean:
- These suggestions will help you get rid of keyboard grime, from a simple chassis shakedown to removing all the keycaps and the outer shell and giving some parts a bath. Our desks serve as multifunctional battle stations these days. While responding to Slack messages or playing PC games after hours, we eat lunch or quarantine snacks. Or we retreat to the couch (or, let's be honest, bed) with our laptops while leaving our desktop setups to collect dust.
- The functionality of your peripheral may be hampered by a messy keyboard caused by dirt and food crumbs, which is not only unhygienic. Avoid letting Dorito dust ruin your typing equipment. As spring, and one-year WFH anniversaries, approach, it's time to wash more than your hands. Gather your cleaning supplies and learn how best to spruce up a keyboard. The simplest and most obvious step is to flip the keyboard over, bang the bottom, and shake out as much grime as you can.
- Turn off the wireless on your keyboard or unplug it from your computer. Hold the keyboard up, flip it over so the keys are facing a surface you don't mind getting dirty for a short while, and lightly tap the bottom while holding the keyboard at various angles. The majority of the loose items ought to be easy to remove in this manner. Depending on your favorite breakfast items, prepare for a cascade of crumbs, poppy seeds, and similar items. Remove the keycaps from your keyboard if it has them (mechanical keyboards, in particular, often have these), then shake the keyboard out without them. To check if there is anything stuck to the keyboard's surface, tap the underside of the keyboard.
- The last step in this process would be to use a brush and dustpan to remove the dirt and debris from the desk or table. While doing this, try not to feel too sick and think back on past snacks. Continue reading if everything seems dingy. You can also take a few other actions.
Get Rid of the Mud:
- The prevalence of dirty keyboards has led to the development of specialized keyboard brushes in a variety of sizes and shapes that can be used to remove the crumbs, hair, and other debris that you'll find inside your contaminated QWERTY keyboard. Nylon cleaning brushes can resemble a small handheld duster, an ink pen, or even the brush on an ice scraper for car windows. They are available in cleaning kits or on their own.
- No fancy equipment is required to clean your keyboard if you don't feel like spending money on a dedicated brush; instead, you can use common household items like a regular toothbrush or a used baby bottle brush. The space between your keys can be cleaned by simply running the brush through it, and presto, your keyboard looks as new as the day you bought it. That assumes the dirt isn't, as is frequently the case, adhered to the sides of the keys themselves. If so, a stiffer brush might be required. (Toothbrushes work well for removing that caked-on debris.)
Smash Your Keyboard:
- Canned air is a necessary purchase for PC users, whether you want to clean out your keyboard or your clogged case fans. It can easily blow a lot of the dust out of the way, especially for keyboards. Simply place the plastic hose that resembles a straw inside the can's nostril, and you're ready to launch.
- But you can't just randomly start blowing compressed air across your keyboard. First, take some safety measures. Canned air won't get rid of all the dirt under the keys, but it will remove everything that is visible, and the debris will spread out in an unpleasant cloud across your desk and floor. The ideal place to do this is outside, or perhaps over a bathtub. If it's possible, remove the keycaps first because doing so will improve the effectiveness of this. Just be careful not to push the straw up too close to the surface you're blowing on because that will cause pools of moisture or frost to form because canned air tends to create condensation when it does that. Play around, but keep some distance to avoid damaging your keyboard.
- After your air blasting, it's worth doing another tap-and-shakeout session. At this point, it's likely that you've moved the debris around inside the keyboard body and placed it in new locations. This time around, the pieces might shake out more easily.
Remove the cleaning solution:
- In The Blob, Steve McQueen, do you want to be? Investing in some of the gooey, frequently brightly clouded stuff known as cleaning gel or cleaning gum is one gross but efficient way to clean your computer keyboard. (One popular brand is Cyberslang.)
- By squeezing between your keyboard's tiniest cracks (including those between the keys) and sucking up any crumbly bits or dirt it touches, this gelatinous adhesive picks up dust and dirt. You can reuse the blob until it turns a dark gray, or until you can't bear to look at or touch it anymore, which will probably be sooner than that. There are a few things to keep in mind before using a product like this to clean your keyboard. For starters, some varieties have the unintended consequence of leaving an oily residue behind. To soak that up, you might need to use a cotton bud or a pipe cleaner. Even though the gel is still technically usable, you have to replace it frequently because it becomes dirty. Additionally, the wads of gel that have been used only partially are very unappealing.
Take a Bath with Your Keycaps:
- You're in luck if you have a mechanical keyboard with detachable keytops because these keys are simple to clean. Take a picture of the keyboard before removing any keycaps so you'll know where to put them back when you're finished.
- Your keycaps can be cleaned by soaking them in a bowl of soapy water. It's as simple as filling up a container with water, adding some hand or dish soap, and after your keycaps have had a good soak, giving them a good scrub with a small brush or rag. After that, leave them outside to completely dry by air to avoid shorting out the electronics of your keyboard with wet caps.If you really want to go the extra mile, you can take some keyboards apart to the bare frame in order to clean out every last piece of debris. Perhaps all you require is a small screwdriver. Take pictures as you disassemble the keyboard so you can remember how to reassemble it.
- Use a damp cloth to clean the non-conductive components. However, be careful not to get any water or soap on the circuits or key switches while doing this.
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